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Bailey and Bentley

Meet Bailey and Bentley!

First up is Bailey! She is an energetic and kind 10 year old little girl. She is playful, has a strong bond with her brother, and enjoys animals. She loves practicing her reading and playing with her toys. She enjoys being active and playing outside, and going to the library.


Bailey is currently taking piano lessons and
loves playing the piano. She enjoys swimming as she learned to swim just last summer. She is very thoughtful and loves to make cards for people.

Bentley is a kind 12 year old young man. He is a sweet and caring kid who loves drawing comics, going to the library, and playing with other kids. He enjoys learning and going to school. Bentley is softspoken, and is willing to open up once he feels comfortable with someone. He has a strong bond with his sister, and together they have typical sibling behaviors.


Bentley benefits from being active. He loves
history and reported that’s his favorite subject in school.


Bailey and Bentley want a home with two parents, a mother and a father, and will do well with siblings that are older than them. Bailey does well with animals in the home. Both Bailey and Bentley would want a family that would be supportive of their Christian faith. Bentley would like more siblings, however Bailey would do better to have siblings who are not close to her age. A family that is consistent and
trauma informed would be beneficial to this amazing sibling set!

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