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Monica and Soreya

Monica is a smart, ambitious six year old! She turns seven in the spring of 2024. Monica likes to play with dolls and doll houses. She likes to try new things and is a very brave child. She loves horses and currently participates in therapeutic horseback riding. She enjoys arts and crafts, glitter, sparkles, and lots of colors! Monica is an extremely intelligent child and has the mind of an engineer; she loves to build and
figure out how things work. She is a puzzle master and puts puzzles together easily
and with patience; she can sit for lengths of time doing a puzzle without becoming angry or frustrated. She recently learned how to use power tools and helped put together a shelf! Monica also LOVES fuse beads! Tasks that seem tedious and detailed are Monica's favorite! She is an excellent helper and likes doing chores all the way through to completion like setting the table and folding towels.
Soreya is an incredibly sweet, loving, cuddly child. She just turned 5 years old. Soreya
loves to be loved! She can be quiet until she gets to know the people around her, but then she is a chatterbox! She loves to read, do arts and crafts, and ride her bike. She loves animals and baby dolls. Her favorite things are rainbows and unicorns.
While both Monica and Soreya are able to walk around and get places independently,
certain accommodations will need to be made to make things easier for them within their forever home. A home with a ton of stairs or changes in levels probably would not be ideal. Area rugs can be slippery and trip them. Please keep in mind that Soreya and Monica do have limited mobility right now and the future is unknown. They are receiving medical care for their mobility and will need this into the future. They'll need a home free of clutter in order to ensure they fall as little as possible. Anyone
considering placement should be aware of the girls physical limitations, but also recognize the amazing children underneath these struggles.
The girls deserve a home that is trained in TBRI (or willing to be trained) and is willing to work through the girls emotional disappointments of a failed pre-adoptive placement that was no fault of their own. They need a family that will love them unconditionally, set boundaries but give lots of grace and love as they learn to love
and trust their forever family.

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